James John – Software Engineer

How to h*ck your Symbian phones

This method involves the use of an antivirus.
So before we start the process… , make sure u delete any installed antivirus in your phone. After the this you can install it back.

1. Download the 2netlodge h*ck tools from the attached

2. After download, open the zip file with xplore, you will see 2 files there,

extract the 2 files, Then install Norton h*ck symbian.sis

3. After installing Norton h*ck symbian.sis
open it, press option Antivirus >> Quarantin >> Quarantin list

4. In Quarantine list. You will see 3 files, in each of them, press option and select Restore. Until the list is empty

5. Exit the antivirus and delete it.

6. Install the RomPatcherPlus_Lite_signed.sisx

7. After that, open it press ok, then press option. Select Alpatches >> apply all.

phone H*cked!!!!!

Now u can install anytin.

Download here

James John

Software Engineer