Compiling Multiple .vcf Files to one .vcf Using Linux or Windows Command
Switching to new mobile platform, I restored my contacts backup and unfortunately for me each contact got it’s own .vcf file and I was having like 700 contacts which makes it 700 .vcf files.
How am I gonna start opening each file and save to contact till I get to 700 :/ stuffy right? You need a faster way right? Of course yes 🙂 I figured out a way to do so using my Linux command and also figured out a way too for Windows command (lucky for Windows users 😛 ).
Firstly am gonna share that of Linux because it’s my best OS 🙂 .
- Open your Terminal and change directory to the directory in which the .vcf files are contained or just locate the path. E.g. am my .vcf files are in /home/donjajo/Desktop/vcfs
$ cat /home/donjajo/Desktop/vcfs/*.vcf > /home/donjajo/Desktop/all.vcf
The above code compress all to one vcf named all.vcf I saved in the Desktop 🙂
- Open your Command Prompt, do same as above by locating the file directory or change to the directory then run this command
copy *.vcf all.vcf
Get your all.vcf in same directory of multiple vcfs 🙂
I guess this helps 🙂