James John – Software Engineer

My First Newbie Python Program

Just started my Python class few days ago and it’s pretty cooler compared to PHP, I just got to notice that Python doesn’t like long codes it wants everything short and simple still compared to PHP. Stuffs like:


for( $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++ ) {
	$r[] = $i;
echo implode( '<br />', $r );

Is shorter and simple in Python:

r = []
for i in range( 1, 10 ):
	r.extend( str( i ) )
print( '<br />'.join( r ) )

Am not a pro yet, am just that newbie 😀 So, I spent my time today to write a simple log preparer. This prepares any log file to html where you can view it in browser, mainly I did it for Apache access logs but I see it can work in other logs. Test and give me feedback 🙂 My codes might be childish but I pray to learn more soon 🙂

Source Code:

import sys, os

def prepare_log( log_dir = None, log_file = None, out = None ):
	if log_dir is None:
		log_dir = '/var/log/apache2/'
	if log_file is None:
		log_file = 'access.log'
	if out is None:
		out = 'access.log.html'
	File = os.path.join( log_dir, log_file )

		print( 'Opening file...' )
		with open( File, 'r' ) as log:
			print( 'Reading file...' )
			log_data_rows = log.read().split( '\n' )
			with open( out, 'w' ) as out_file:
				print( 'Writing file to ' + out )
				out_file.write( prepareHTML( log_data_rows ) )
				print( 'Done' ) 
	except FileNotFoundError as e:
		print( 'Unable to open file "' + File + '" \r\nReason: ' + e.strerror )

def prepareHTML( rows ):
	html = """
			<title>Apache Access Logs</title>
			<meta content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" name=\"Content-Type\">
				table tr td {
				  	padding : 7px;
				  	border-bottom: 2px dotted #e7e7e7;

			  	table tr.correct, .correct {
			  		color : #00ac77;

			  	table tr.failed, .failed {
			  		color : #ef1616;

			  	table tr:nth-child(odd) {
			  		background : #e7e7e7;

	row = []
	i = 1
	for line in rows:
		if( line ):
			data = '<tr><td> ' + str( i ) + '. </td> <td>' + line + '</td></tr>'
			row.extend( data )
			i += 1
	html += ''.join( row ) + """
	return html

	dir_path = str( input( 'Log directry path: ' ) )
	file_name = str( input( 'Log file name' ) )
	output = str( input( 'Output file (Default is access.log.html): ' ) )
except ValueError:
	print( 'Only strings needed' )

if not dir_path:
	dir_path = None
if not file_name:
	file_name = None
if not output:
	output = None
prepare_log( dir_path, file_name, output )

Save and run. Cheers!

Waiting feed back 🙂

James John

Software Engineer