James John – Software Engineer

How to Activate Your IKEDC MAP Prepaid Meters

Ikeja Electric CIU-PC1 device

If you have been given this device after fixing your prepaid meter, and given some class tutorial on how to use it but still have not gotten it working, don’t worry, I didn’t get it too. I figured it myself and I am here to help others. If you are yet to get your IKEDC prepaid meter from the MAP project, don’t rush, head down to my Medium article on what I went through to get mine.

Things I think you should know

Activating the Prepaid Meter for the first time

If you are reading here, it means you have gotten the 3 sets of digit from IKEDC office close to you on activating your prepaid meter. If not, please head to their office to get one.

The first digit is your meter number, 2nd and 3rd are activation codes to link your account number to the meter

Only use the CIU-PC1 device when there is power in the vicinity. (i.e. If your meter still has the pre-loaded credit reading, or it has finished but there is light in the meter)

Pre-loaded credit has finished. There is power in the meter but not in my apartment

Bottom, Top, Bottom, Top

I still have power, my pre-loaded credit is still loading

Do not put in the battery, there is no need. Just plug into a direct wall socket

Activating Meter

  1. Put in the first 11 digits, which is supposed to be same as your meter number. Press the red button.
    You should see a CONNECT message then SUCCESS within 5secs
  2. Put in the second 20 digits then press the RED button.
    You will see another CONNECT then a beep showing something similar to 15t or whatever, as long as it is not REJECT or FAILED
  3. Put in the third 20 digits, then press the RED button.
    You will see another CONNECT then a SUCCESS message

Congratulations, you have finally set up your IKEDC Prepaid Meter.

Don’t unplug it yet, if you want to load the credit. Once unplugged, it is disconnected from the meter. Now follow the instructions on the manual that comes with the CIU-PC1 device to perform other operations like loading credit and checking balance. Press 009, then the RED button to check balance.

Once you plug it in, always put in your meter number first, then press the RED button to connect to the meter before performing any other transactions.

I was really frustrated in setting this up, which is why I made this article for anyone else out there being frustrated same. This is Nigeria!

James John

Software Engineer