November 11, 2014
I can view any server software any site is using. Cool ye? Why not be unpredictable! I like being unpredictable 😉 View your current or any site’s server software by visiting here
October 8, 2014
Browsing without monitoring your internet data transfer is a bit messy, when I joined Linux earlier it was so hard for me to monitor my browsing rate. But lucky me I found a package that does that.
July 25, 2014
Switching to new mobile platform, I restored my contacts backup and unfortunately for me each contact got it’s own .vcf file and I was having like 700 contacts which makes it 700 .vcf files.
July 16, 2014
Day by day I don’t feel any remorse of leaving Windows for Linux, using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is one of the wonderful things I have experienced on earth. Downloading Youtube videos with just a one line of command is awesome!
July 11, 2014
Its amazing to see PHP interact with the Operating System, as we have Command Prompt in Windows and have the Terminal in Linux PHP can externally execute commands to it and return you the output or null if an error is found.