Hi all,
I know seeing this post topic, you will think is a huge of code but looking through it well you recognise its just a pieces of codes integrated to give us what we are looking for. Here every browser has a language its browsing with, now I use PHP to call it out with the $_SERVER function
the output of that is this en-US,en;q=0.5 because am using English, now we can’t use all this to know the language i will need only the en to know its English, now what are we to do?
Am going to use the substr() function to delete some letters, here it goes
$language = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
echo $language;
//you can identify a user's language using this
echo"Hello user, you are English!";
The output of that code will just be en
Hope it helps!