Hello there, was just surfing on PHP functions in their site and came accross this function and it works great! Though I don’t even know how the Easter is been calculated
Below is the script, copy it to a PHP file and save or download the attachment:
<?php function check_easter($year) {
$y = getdate(easter_date($year));
if($year<date('Y')) {
$word = 'was';
else {
$word = 'is';
echo 'Easter Date for the Year '.$year.' '.$word.' on:<br/>
<b>'.$y['weekday'].' '.$y['mday'].' '.$y['month'].', '.$y['year'].'</b>';
} ?> <form action="" method="post">
<select name="year"><?php
$year = 1970;
if(isset($_POST['year'])) {
echo '<option selected="selected">'.$_POST['year'].'</option>';
while($year<=2037) {
echo '<option>'.$year.'</option>';
} ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="Check Easter Date" />
if(isset($_POST['year'])) {
Sorry, i don’t have a demo server but am sure its working