James John – Software Engineer



Setting Python3 as your Default Shell Python in Ubuntu

Default Ubuntu Python package version is 2.7, while in my Python class I use 3.4 and everything I keep typing python3 whenever I want to run python. Want to turn 3.4 to your default? Easy, BASH made this available by providing space for aliases in the config. Aliases is not only for this function, I […]

Reducing Apache Memory Consumption – Process PHP with FastCGI

What is FastCGI? CGI are programme written to help the processing of Perl Language that has been written for the web and they also help the Web Server in processing requests and handling Webpages.

Setting Up FTP Server In Ubuntu 14.04 Using VSFTPD

Server is up without FTP, will you be using SSH all the time? Nah! Time to create an FTP Server for your clients to interact with files and data in your server. In this tutorial I will try to make things easier for you by God’s grace 🙂 I assume you are using Ubuntu 14.04 […]

Modify Apache ServerTokens to your Custom Value Using Mod_Security Module

I can view any server software any site is using. Cool ye? Why not be unpredictable! I like being unpredictable 😉 View your current or any site’s server software by visiting here

Configuring Simple Firewalls in Ubuntu 14.04 Using UFW

When building up a Web Server, especially Unmanaged all you have in mind is how to secure your server right? Now you need a firewall to block and open some ports in your server.

Monitor Internet Data Usage in Ubuntu Using vnStat

Browsing without monitoring your internet data transfer is a bit messy, when I joined Linux earlier it was so hard for me to monitor my browsing rate. But lucky me I found a package that does that.

Compiling Multiple .vcf Files to one .vcf Using Linux or Windows Command

Switching to new mobile platform, I restored my contacts backup and unfortunately for me each contact got it’s own .vcf file and I was having like 700 contacts which makes it 700 .vcf files.

Youtube-dl: A Video Download Tool for Linux

Day by day I don’t feel any remorse of leaving Windows for Linux, using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is one of the wonderful things I have experienced on earth. Downloading Youtube videos with just a one line of command is awesome!

How to Install cURL Module in PHP5 Ubuntu

I am a newbie to Ubuntu though, I was successful in installing Apache and MySQL(with PHPMyAdmin), now was enjoying my new OS but something wanted the cut off my joy with Ubuntu. I was writing some PHP codes that needs to work with cURL but unfortunately am getting this error message when I want to […]