James John – Software Engineer



FIX: Apache is running a threaded MPM, but your PHP Module is not compiled to be threadsafe in Fedora

After a cool morning on upgrading to Fedora 27, I faced an issue when i tried to resume a web project I was working on. Apache wasn’t running and I checked what was wrong with   And caught this error as part of the debug: Apache is running a threaded MPM, but your PHP Module […]

Using and Configuring Virtual Hosts (Addon Domain) in Apache for Ubuntu 14.04

If you’ve got a VPS or your own private server, of course you won’t want to use it for a site only, you would want to add more sites because it’s a private server and you do your stuffs the way you want it. Apache offers this which is so easy, hosting multiple websites in […]

Using Nginx as Reverse Proxy for Apache in Ubuntu 14.04

For sure Apache is a cool Web Server because of mods being available to tweak to anything you want as long as you provide it’s food which is memory! But the evolving of Nginx seem to start knocking of Apache because it’s less memory consuming and faster, what if your site already run Apache and […]

Reducing Apache Memory Consumption – Process PHP with FastCGI

What is FastCGI? CGI are programme written to help the processing of Perl Language that has been written for the web and they also help the Web Server in processing requests and handling Webpages.

Modify Apache ServerTokens to your Custom Value Using Mod_Security Module

I can view any server software any site is using. Cool ye? Why not be unpredictable! I like being unpredictable 😉 View your current or any site’s server software by visiting here