James John – Software Engineer

Use SSH as Proxy for Secure Connection in Linux

Internet is cool but still security matters, if you jump into my network I can monitor your data (webpages you load) but if they are secure i.e. loading to SSL then I can’t read or access those. Now SSH is Secure Shell using SSL for communication between local and online server and we are gonna […]

Securing Your AJAX Call-up Pages – Advanced

AJAX is cool, makes it able for you to do multiple things on a page without reloading and creating extra pages but how secure can it be? You may wish to run some actions on an AJAX page and without security even GoogleBot in the act of crawling your page executes the action. AJAX requests […]

5 Reasons Why you Should Buy Paid Software

Tell me you don’t like free things, for sure you should also be buying your breath too. We all like these free things but if we do, we should be giving our services and selling our goods free of charge! Something like “business” wouldn’t have exist if we live in a free world, since it […]

Getting MIME Types on Files & Buffers in Python

Through programming languages I’ve been through, finding MIME types is not that kinda easy, the language might not have a built-in function for that or if they have it won’t be that efficient, I can recall in PHP I’d activated the finfo module to find MIME type of existing files. Now in Python, we have […]

Disable WordPress Cron and Use Real Cron Job

Normally, there is no way PHP can run without a page being loaded or without it being executed from CLI. So your WordPress cron how does it go about? Firstly what’s WordPress cron? What is Cron? Cron Jobs are software utility that can trigger a defined function based on time given to it, when you […]

Now Install and Use Skype in Ubuntu 14.04 Officially!

Earlier Skype wasn’t made available to Ubuntu 14.04 users, if you’d check their website for download the least version of Ubuntu you’d see is Ubuntu 13. I can remember I installed and used Skype in my older Ubuntu 14.04 (that’s before I reformatted) but I did some tweaking before I got it. But now seems […]

Installing and Using Webmin in Ubuntu Linux – Web-based System Administration

Webmin is Web-based tool for making System Administration in Linux easier not editing those codes and config files all the time. I am a great fan of this tool because I’ve used it and it helped me alot especially in config files, this tool is also light and doesn’t need much RAM memory to run. […]

Using and Configuring Virtual Hosts (Addon Domain) in Apache for Ubuntu 14.04

If you’ve got a VPS or your own private server, of course you won’t want to use it for a site only, you would want to add more sites because it’s a private server and you do your stuffs the way you want it. Apache offers this which is so easy, hosting multiple websites in […]

My First Newbie Python Program

Just started my Python class few days ago and it’s pretty cooler compared to PHP, I just got to notice that Python doesn’t like long codes it wants everything short and simple still compared to PHP. Stuffs like: PHP: Is shorter and simple in Python: Am not a pro yet, am just that newbie 😀 […]

Using Nginx as Reverse Proxy for Apache in Ubuntu 14.04

For sure Apache is a cool Web Server because of mods being available to tweak to anything you want as long as you provide it’s food which is memory! But the evolving of Nginx seem to start knocking of Apache because it’s less memory consuming and faster, what if your site already run Apache and […]